Sunday, October 25, 2009

Big Events

September 5 -- A Day for Anniversaries and Weddings!

Congratulations to Viv and Ken, who observed their 55th anniversary! (No picture available -- Are there any?)

Congratulations to Liz and Van, who were married! (Many pictures available, and here are a few --- )
Just Married!

Rosalie, Dave, Ellen and Bruce were among the guests

Dave and Rosie, ready to toast the bride and groom!

Henry assumed a very serious role as ring bearer -----

------- and was privileged to ride in the bridal party limousine with Mom and Dad.

Liz sang "At Last" to her groom.
A wonderful evening was had by all!

September 12, 2009

Mary and Peter attend Peter's 50th (!!) Schurz High School reunion. ( Note to all Schurz graduates -- The Schurz centennial celebration is coming up in late April of 2010)

And finally --
Thanks to Dave, who captured the memories of the Herr Reunion at Starved Rock by assembling a lovely collection of photos in a booklet, which he sent to many of us. We appreciate!!!

As always, we'll be happy to post entries from anyone in the Herr family. Send us your news and photos, and let's keep the Herr blog going!

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