Sunday, October 25, 2009

Big Events

September 5 -- A Day for Anniversaries and Weddings!

Congratulations to Viv and Ken, who observed their 55th anniversary! (No picture available -- Are there any?)

Congratulations to Liz and Van, who were married! (Many pictures available, and here are a few --- )
Just Married!

Rosalie, Dave, Ellen and Bruce were among the guests

Dave and Rosie, ready to toast the bride and groom!

Henry assumed a very serious role as ring bearer -----

------- and was privileged to ride in the bridal party limousine with Mom and Dad.

Liz sang "At Last" to her groom.
A wonderful evening was had by all!

September 12, 2009

Mary and Peter attend Peter's 50th (!!) Schurz High School reunion. ( Note to all Schurz graduates -- The Schurz centennial celebration is coming up in late April of 2010)

And finally --
Thanks to Dave, who captured the memories of the Herr Reunion at Starved Rock by assembling a lovely collection of photos in a booklet, which he sent to many of us. We appreciate!!!

As always, we'll be happy to post entries from anyone in the Herr family. Send us your news and photos, and let's keep the Herr blog going!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Hat-heads or Herr-brained

These photos came with the accompanying note from Ellen. If anyone else has photos to share, please send them along!
Hi, Betsy,

Here is a small series called either Hat-heads or Herr-brained. If you think they are blogworthy, please post them. My favorite is the one of Dave who assumed the roles of family archivist and patriarch with his usual modesty and kindness.

Aunt Ellen

Friday, August 7, 2009

Sunday, August 2, 2009


We had a great time! Check back for more photos soon!!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

See You Soon!

The lists have been refined and combined, the activity reservations finalized, the memorabilia boxed, and the Herr potato chips packed -- so all seems to be ready! We know that a few reunioneers , namely Bruce and Ellen, have already hit the road to Illinois. We wish them and all of the other attendees a safe journey!

We recently received a kind note from Daryl and Coleen, expressing their regrets for not being able to attend the reunion. (Thanks again to Darryl for keeping us aware of family dates with his annual calendar -- ) They assured us that they will be with us in spirit! Regrets were also sent by Pat, who just spent several weeks visiting her family in Michigan and Indiana.

This weekend's event will be photographed -- so watch the Herr blog for recent photographs of your relatives!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Two Weeks!

The long planned and long awaited Herr reunion will happen in 2 weeks! It promises to be a memorable event and anticipation is building as participants plan to bring information on family genealogy, photos, DVDs containing old family movies, scrapbooks, etc. Most importantly, they are bringing themselves and all look forward to three days of relaxation and just being together!

Message to non-attendees: If you wish, send photos or family news or greetings for us to share at the reunion. It would be special to hear from you!

Monday, June 29, 2009

a note from Rachel

Dear Aunt Mary,

Thanks for keeping us all posted about the reunion. I think that
Guillo, Eve, Noah and I will not be able to come. I'm quite
disappointed, since I would really like to catch up with everyone
after so many years away, but the complications of traveling with a
newborn, combined with Guillo's new job where he only has 2 weeks off
work each year will prevent us from coming. I hope it's a great
success, however, and I look forward to seeing pictures, hearing
stories, and catching up with everyone soon... maybe the wedding? We
will see... same complications arise, but Noah will be a month older!!


Sunday, June 28, 2009


Tuesday, June 30th is the deadline to make your reservations.

Check in will be on July 30th at 3:00 PM (or after) and check out is by 11:00 AM on Sunday, August 2nd.

If you make a last minute decision to come, check with the lodge and surrounding area hotels or motels, or bring your tent and camp at one of the area campgrounds.

This is Dave's recent note and we appreciate his enthusiasm and advance planning!

We made our reservations at Starved Rock. We went ahead and made it for two rooms even though there is a very good chance that the girls will not be able to come with us. I was told that we could cancel up until very late. Jenny recommended that we do it this way. I am also gathering photos to share. But I am sure that others will have much superior remembrances for us. I am particularly looking forward to what Bruce might be able to bring, now that we know he is planning to drive. I do hope Pat will be able to fit it into her busy schedule. This is going to be a great event. Thanks so much for putting the effort into making it happen.


Reunion Planning
-We are bringing and wearing our t-shirts from past Herr reunions. Bring yours, because we are not having tee's made for this year's reunion!
-Speaking of past reunions- does anyone have a copy of the famous 1990 Zucchini Tapes? Or, does anyone have videos from the 1996 Lake Geneva reunion or the 1999 Lake Of The Ozarks reunion? If you have these and can bring them, what equipment will be needed to share them?
-As you plan your packing, remember your swimsuits (there is a nice swimming pool) and hiking equipment.

More Family Photos to Enjoy

Here's Mom in a familiar pose in her 50's kitchen...
And her second-youngest involved in deep conversation.
Peter and Liz were fascinated with the kittens when their family visited Viv and Ken in their home with a mountain view.
Here's a handsome and reflective Darryl.
And the other son of Viv and Ken, Ken Jr., also in a reflective mood.
This party was held in the Glencoe backyard of Peter and Mary after Mom and Dad's 50th Wedding Anniversary party in 1975.
The whole crew poses at the 1975 Anniversary celebration.
The cake should be the centerpiece of this Anniversary photo, but Peter and Bruce's shirts kind of steal the spotlight.
A young Peter with his baton.
The Dubrovin family in a typical Colorado scene.
Bruce and Ellen show off their new digs on Thistle Ln. That's not a realtor, that's sister-in-law Mary. We're not sure who's on the roof.
Viv and Ken's 50th wedding celebration barbecue.